These are some of the questions that might be addressed (~15-20 mins):
1. What brings you here?
What would you like to get out of this session?
2. What's the context of your visit?
Is there anything that might be relevant to discuss regarding your health or medical history?
What have you already learnt or tried that we can build upon?
How does this fit into your wider life, the bigger picture of you?
3. Is there anything that you would specifically like to exclude from a session?
Is there anything you already know that you don't want (eg. use of specific words; touch, on all or any parts of
your body; background music)?
4. What is the shared agreement regarding what the experiential section of the session will cover?
Generally a few options will be discussed or proposed regarding which tools might best be of assistance.
The decision will then be with you (in consultation) to determine what best suits your needs.
5. How will we communicate boundaries, wishes and agreements during the next part of the session?
A primary concern in any session is that you feel safe, heard and your needs are met. To do this, it's important that you feel you have the tools to communicate easily when to start, stop or change any part of the session (within the limits originally agreed upon). Defining and practicing these ahead of time can make it easier to use them during the practical part of the session.
The middle section is the experiential section of the session and can include a mix of one or more of the
following elements, specifically chosen and tailored to your needs (~50-55mins in a 1.5hr session):
A body scan is often incorporated. This is an awareness exercise that allows you to notice any sensations that you may feel (or feel the absence of) throughout your body. With practice, this can be an integral tool in developing your relationship to your body's non-verbal communication system.
Sessions may or may not involve touch, depending on the learning objective. If any touch is included in a session (apart from when demonstrating Dr Betty Martin's Wheel of Consent) it is conducted one way, from the practitioner to the client.
In the first session, the client is fully clothed and does not receive genital touch. These elements may be incorporated into later sessions if aligned with the learning objective. If there is touch, there is the option for it to involve any area of the body that has been agreed in the learning objective, and where there is wholehearted consent (understanding that consent can change moment by moment and withdrawal of consent can be communicated at any point in a session).
If touch involves the genitals, the practitioner will be wearing gloves.
The practitioner is ALWAYS fully clothed.
This is where the learning is consolidated and options are provided to continue practicing.
Some questions that might be asked (~15-20mins):